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Periodontal Treatment Needed By Most People Globally Is Accepted Only By A Few

December 1, 2020
Gum disease is a common infection in America and globally. The condition is also known as periodontitis, an infection damaging the soft tissue and bone supporting the teeth. Unfortunately, most people ignore or remain oblivious to the condition, not seeking periodontal treatment to overcome this condition.
Periodontal Treatment Needed By Most People Globally Is Accepted Only By A Few

It is estimated that nearly 70 percent of American adults are affected by gum disease primarily because they don’t maintain proper dental hygiene to allow inflammation of the gums around the tooth. The infection causes microorganisms to stick to the tooth’s surface, and the pockets of the gums surrounding the tooth continue to multiply. The immune system of the body reacts to the infection and releases toxins to cause inflammation.

When people do not obtain a periodontal disease cure, the condition eventually results in total loss and may increase the risks of strokes, heart attacks, and other health issues.

What Is the Reality of Periodontitis?

Gum disease or periodontitis generally affects the area surrounding the tooth, including the gums and bone. It results from plaque and bacteria build up around the tooth and the reaction of the immune system.

Good dental hygiene is part of the prevention and treatment of gum disease. However, when the condition progresses, surgery is also an option. Smokers are susceptible to gum disease and failure of any treatments they obtain to overcome the situation.

What Happens When People Are Affected by Periodontitis?

People affected by periodontitis will observe this condition’s symptoms, including swollen and bleeding gums when brushing and flossing, reddish gums, loose teeth, and other issues. Regular dental exams and cleanings prevent the progress of the periodontal disease. However, if the condition can progress, people must visit a periodontal dentist, a specialist treating these conditions.

The specialist will evaluate gum disease symptoms and treatment for the patient after a thorough examination. The treatment’s primary aim is to clear out the bacteria from the pockets around the teeth to prevent further destruction of the bone and tissue.

The dentist looks forward to removing plaque and tartar to restore periodontal health. The healthcare professional will perform the scaling and debridement for cleaning below the gum line. The professionals may use hand-held instruments or ultrasonic devices to break up the plaque and tartar. Root planing is also performed to smooth out rough areas around the roots of the tooth. Bacteria generally find a place in the rough spots to increase the chances of gum disease. Depending on the condition’s severity, the scaling and root planing will require a couple of visits to the specialist. It is why dentists recommend six-monthly cleanings or frequently after considering the patient’s condition.

The Park Ridge dentist also recommends prescription antibacterial mouthwash to control bacteria when treating gum disease. Patients can use the prescription as they use a regular mouthwash. Antibiotics are also prescribed to ensure the infection does not progress.

When non-surgical treatments and good oral hygiene are insufficient for treating gum disease, surgical intervention becomes necessary. The dentist performs flap surgery and bone and tissue grafts. The success of the treatment depends on how much the condition has progressed. Good cooperation from the patient is also essential for the treatment to succeed.

Is Gum Disease Preventable?

Gum disease is not a viral infection and is one that is a result of improper oral hygiene. People routinely neglect their dentist’s advice to allow plaque and tartar buildup to develop on their teeth. The disease can easily be prevented by following their dentist’s recommendations.

The availability of periodontal treatment shouldn’t encourage people to neglect their dental health. Preventing gum disease is not challenging and merely requires minimal effort to avoid a condition that saddles them with the additional expenditure of visiting a periodontal dentist.

Gum disease not only requires repeated visits to dentists, costing a considerable sum of money, but it also affects the dental and overall health of the patient. Instead of inviting gum disease to affect their mouths, people will do well to use the following suggestions to prevent the condition altogether.

Brush their teeth with a toothbrush approved by the ADA and fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day for two minutes each, ensuring they clean all chewing surfaces of their teeth.

Use dental floss or an interdental cleaner at least once a day to remove food particles and plaque between the teeth where the toothbrush cannot reach.

Use an antibacterial mouthwash to prevent bacteria from multiplying and to reduce inflammatory reactions in the mouth.

Visit their dentist for routine dental examinations and cleanings without exceptions.

People who are prepared to follow the suggestions mentioned can easily keep gum disease from affecting them. The others, unfortunately, must obtain periodontal treatment from a specialist to overcome the condition.

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