If you have a cavity that you know needs to be treated, you can visit Complete Health Dentistry for cavity treatment in Park Ridge, IL. A cavities specialist can treat cavities using a revolutionary treatment method known as silver diamine fluoride – or SDF. SDF has been approved by the FDA and is a liquid that can be used on dental patients for tooth cavity treatment without using a drill or using more invasive methods of treatment.

What Is a Cavity?

A cavity is a hole in the tooth that is infected with decayed tissues and bacteria. Dentists usually take a drill to the infected enamel to get rid of it and then place a filling that restores the structure of the tooth. However, Complete Health Dentistry can get rid of infections without drilling them.

How Does the Procedure Work?

You’ll be pleased to know that SDF is safe, effective, and involves no pain. Your teeth will be cleaned using a polishing paste or toothbrush. After this is complete, SDF will be applied to the area containing the cavity. This is repeated until the cavity has been healed. Larger cavities can have a filling placed over them to restore the original shape of the tooth.

There are two powerful ingredients in SDF, which are silver and fluoride. Silver is an antibacterial agent that kills bacteria and prevents it from growing. Fluoride is used to strengthen the structure of teeth. Your general dentist in Park Ridge can use these two agents to fight cavities and desensitize teeth. There is no risk of adverse reactions to the treatment, but one of the side effects includes the cavity turning dark in color. Once the cavity is healed, your dentist can discuss cosmetic options.

Learn More About Your Oral Health

To get even more information about your oral health and how cavities can be healed without drilling, call Complete Health Dentistry and speak to a professional dentist about cavity filling in Park Ridge, IL for your family members and loved ones. You can call at your convenience to schedule an appointment.